sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010


Test. Practica tu conocimiento del Futuro con WILL. Reescribe las siguientes frases tal y como se indica en Positive (afirmativa), negative (negativa) y Question (interrogativa).

1. they / share / their sweets
* Positive:
* Negative:
* Question:

2. he / pay / cash
* Positive:
* Negative:
* Question:

3. I / close / the door
* Positive:
* Negative:
* Question:

4. Tina / paint / a picture for us
* Positive:
* Negative:
* Question:

5. John / dial / the number for you
* Positive:
* Negative:
* Question:

6. Ben / break / the rules
* Positive:
* Negative:
* Question:

7. they / send / us a postcard
* Positive:
* Negative:
* Question:

8. she / trust / me
* Positive:
* Negative:
* Question:

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