viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009


Si tienes que recuperar el pasado, practica aqui.

Simple Past and Past Continuous + Vocabulary Unit 2

1. VOCABULARY. Complete the space words. Completa.

1. M__ __ n 2. s___ t___ll___ ____ ___ 3. c ___ __ ___ t 4. t__l__sc_p__

5. __ str __ n __ __ t 6. sp__ __ __ sh __ __ 7. pl______t__r__ __m

2. FORMS. Write the past forms of the irregular verbs. Escribe las formas en pasado de los siguientes verbos.




3. USES. When to use which tense? ¿Cuándo usamos los siguientes tiempos verbales?

- When you want to express that one action happened one after another we use:
Cuando queremos indicar que una accion ocurre una detras de la otra (ej. El hombre se levanto y ando), usamos...

- When you want to express that a new action happened while other action was in progress, we use: Cuando queremos indicar que una nueva acción ocurrió en el momento que otra se estaba desarrollando (Ej. Mientras estaba sentado en una reunión (mi móvil de repente sonó) usamos...

- When you just want to mention that an action took place in the past, we use:
Cuando sólo quieres mencionar que una acción ocurrió en el pasado (Ej: Ella jugó al futbol ayer), usamos...

- When you want to put emphasis on the progress, that an action was taking place at a certain time, we use:
Cuando quieres poner énfasis en el progreso, en que una acción estaba ocurriendo a una cierta hora (Ej: Ayer a las 6, ella jugó al futbol), usamos...

- When you want to express that two actions took place at the same time, we use:
Cuando queremos expresar que dos acciones ocurrieron al mismo tiempo (Ej: Simón jugaba al ordenador mientras su hermano veía la tele), usamos...

- When you want to express that a new action took place, we use:
Cuando quieres expresar que una nueva acción ocurrió (Ej: mi móvil sonó (mientras estaba en una reunión), usamos...

4. Put the verbs into the correct tense (SIMPLE PAST OR CONTINUOUS). Completa con el pasado simple o continuo.

1. When I (do) _______________ the washing-up, I (break) ____________ a plate.
2. While Tom (play) _________________ the piano, his mother (do) _____________ the washing-up.
3. He (drink) ________________ some juice and then he (eat) _________________ a few chips.
4. I (have) ___________________ dinner when I suddenly (hear) _______________ a loud bang.
5. When my father (work) ___________________ in the garden, an old friend (pass) ______________ by to see him.
6. She (go) ________________ to school, (take) _____________ out her textbook and (begin) ______________ to learn.
7. When it (start) _______________ to rain, our dog (want) _______________ to come inside.
8. When Jane (do) ______________ a language course in Ireland, she (visit) _______________ Blarney Castle.
9. When I (be) ________________ on my way home, I (see) ___________________ an accident.
10. I (not / understand) __________________ what they (talk) ______________ about.

5. Was“ or „Were“?

1. I _______hungry.
2. You______ in Australia last year.
3. She ________ not there.
4. Charlie Chaplin __________ a famous actor.
5. Lisa and James ________ at home.

6. Put the sentences into Simple Past. Pasa las siguientes frases a Pasado Simple.

1. We open the door.
2. You write poems.

3. Richard plays in the garden.
4. Kerry does not speak English.

5. Do you see the bird?
6. The candle does not burn.

7. Write sentences in Simple Past. Ordena con el verbo en Pasado.

1. Jim / his head / cover: ________________________________________________
2. she / the chapter / copy: _______________________________________________
3. not / the clouds / disappear: ____________________________________________
4. he / to our question / refer: _____________________________________________
5. not / we / our punishment / escape: ______________________________________
6. she / a friend / phone: _________________________________________________
7. not / Andy / the ball / pass: _____________________________________________

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